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Annual General Meeting

Mile Zero Dance AGM
Sunday, October 27 | 2 PM MST
RSVP your attendance below

MZD’s AGM will be held on October 27 at 2 PM. Join us at Mile Zero Dance (9931- 78 Avenue) or attend the meeting virtually. Exercise your democratic right to participate in the organization. In order to vote at the upcoming AGM, participants must purchase or renew MZD Memberships by October 6, 2024.

Join the community and become an MZD Member!

A MZD Membership can be purchased any time throughout the season and expire annually on August 31. As a member you will receive:

  • $5 off MZD shows, all season long;
  • A MZD membership card and sticker;
  • Season program sent to you in the mail;
  • AGM voting rights; and
  • Your name on the MZD Members list.

Interested in joining MZD’s Board?
Anyone interested in running for the Board can contact MZD’s President, Idris Fashan (theonlyidris@gmail.com), ahead of the AGM for information, or you’re also welcome to just attend the meeting to express your interest on October 27.


Date & Time:
October 27 @ 2:00 pm
Event Category:

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Date & Time:
October 27 @ 2:00 pm
Event Category: