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Curated by Stephanie Patsula (Edmonton)


April 2, 2022 – 8PM MT
April 3, 2022 – 2PM MT
DC3 (10567 111 St NW)

blur is an embodied exploration at the intersection of dance, performance art, sound & theatre. Through collaborative performances, blur asks its participants to obscure and soften the technical boundaries of a variety of practices, in favour of a less distinct representation of the whole. 

Join us for the after party with live music by Mustafa Rafiq and Ethan Bokma.

Doors open a half hour before with refreshments available.

Can’t make it to the in person event? The performance will be recorded on April 2 and made available for on demand viewing in the week following the event. Registration is required for the on demand viewing. 

Starchild by Reuben Brinker

This Season, MZD has commissioned poets to respond to the work created by dance artists. Thinking about dance through poetry adds a different perspective to the work and opens up conversation between artists in their creative practice. Reuben Brinker’s poem Starchild is in response to Stephanie Patsula’s new work, blur.

Starchild by Reuben Brinker


Date & Time:
April 2, 2022 @ 8:00 pm
Event Category:


10567 111 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
+ Google Map


Stephanie Patsula

Stephanie Patsula is living and working in Treaty 6 Territory ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ - Amiskwaciwaskahikan, Edmonton, Canada. Stephanie works across a variety of disciplines, most recently, lens and performance based work. Within this sphere she incorporates artworks that employ somatic movement, improvised sound work and sculpture. Her installations fall across physical and digital planes and often set the mood and tone for a performance or photo series. Patsula prioritizes the mediated body, exploration of site(s), documentation and symbology and attempts to approach concepts of relational ethics, cultural ritual and spirituality. Patsula is an MFA graduate (2020) in Intermedia, from the University of Alberta. In addition to her art practice she aims to foster connections within the arts community, working with project spaces and arts incubators to activate sites with programming, interventions and events.

Alyssa Nider

Alyssa Nider has been immersed in Canadian electronic music doing audio-reactive visuals for nearly a decade. Starting with acetate, liquid and materials on overhead projectors, she has since refined her craft through software like Modul8, VDMX, MadMapper, Lumen and TouchDesigner.

Her style breathes strong, vibrant colour into serious spaces. Inspired by geometry in nature and the marriage between people, sound and imagery, Alyssa amplifies the connection between space and sense.

As a generative digital art creator through her studio aoide.io, Alyssa uses creative coding to generate interactive motion visuals for a variety of mediums. Whether applied online, live projected, or through UHD panels, her blend of light and movement in the work is grounded in pattern, texture and colour that evokes deep emotion.

Andrew Thorne

Andrew Thorne is an early career artist, born and raised in Mi’kma’ki and Wolastoqiyik, or Moncton, New Brunswick. Thorne received his BFA from NSCAD University in 2020. He completed the Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists' (SNAP) Emerging Artist in Residency in 2021 and has since become an active member of SNAP’s community. In the last year Thorne has shown work at Lowlands Project Space and SNAP Gallery.

Thorne’s practice is rooted in mediums such as woodcut and silkscreen, however, his work is seldomly limited to print-making. Sound, installation, and collecting, are all tools for interrogating Canada’s media complex, and examining the performance of mass media.

Anna Wildish

Anna Wildish is an interdisciplinary artist from Mi’kma’ki and Wolastoqiyik, or Moncton, New Brunswick. Having graduated from NSCAD University in the year 2021, her focus is in textiles, craft history, and sound. She has been collaborating sonically with Thorne through the group Tangent since 2018, having been fortunate enough to play at festivals like Dartmouth Flood and Everyseeker in K’jipuktuk, or Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since relocating their artist practice to amikwaciwaskahikan, Edmonton on Treaty 6 Territory, Wildish has been enjoying the opportunity to expand her knowledge of craft, learning about and meeting local artists, as well as connecting with the community here through her work at the Alberta Craft Council.

eryn tempest

eryn tempest is a Canadian choreographer, film maker, and glitch artist of settler descent currently splitting their time between amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton) and Tiohtià:ke (Montréal). They are engaged in practices around softness, transformation, and disruption, encountering the body as the strange ineffable site where dreams coalesce into matter and where imagination takes form. As a performer they have worked with Mile Zero Dance, K.O Dance Project, Andrea Peña, Benoît Lachambre, Project Contrabête, Camille Lacelle-Wilsey, and Nien Tzu Weng. eryn’s work has been presented by Le Festival International du Film Sur L’Art, Nextfest, Expanse, Vous Êtes Ici/You Are Here, Tangente Danse, Mile Zero Dance, and Shooting Gallery Performance Series. They have danced in experimental films by choreographer/film maker Kaitlyn Ramsden as well as in music videos for Basia Bulat, Camille Delean, and Busty and the Bass. They have received support from Circuit-est, The Edmonton Arts Council, Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, as well as the Canada Council for the Arts. eryn is one third of the sun sets collective, an interdisciplinary research project that explores the real and the artificial through the phenomenon of the sunset.

Josh Languedoc

Josh Languedoc is a proud member of Saugeen First Nation and lives as a guest in Treaty 6 Territory as an Anishinaabe playwright, storyteller, teacher, and producer. Some of Josh’s plays include Rocko and Nakota: Tales From the Land (Theatre Prospero, Banff Centre), Feast (University of Alberta, Fringe 2021), CIVIL BLOOD: A Treaty Story (Thou Art Here Theatre) and The Eyes Of Spirits (Rubaboo Festival, Native Earth Performing Arts, Citadel Theatre). Josh also teaches around the Edmonton area with the Citadel’s Foote Theatre School, Edmonton Public Schools, Artstrek, Northern Alberta YMCA, and Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre. Josh is currently finishing his MFA Theatre Practices at the University of Alberta and works as the Director Indigenous Strategic Planning at the Edmonton Fringe and the Youth Education Coordinator at Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre.

Shrina Patel

Born and raised in Amiskwacîwâskahikan Edmonton, Alberta, Shrina Patel is a choreographer, actor, yoga teacher and the Artistic Director of Shaktiflow on Treaty 6 land. Her work is based on story-telling with a focus on socio-cultural and gender inequality. Her unique eastern fusion choreography is designed to provoke conversations that challenge the traditional social norms people face based on their gender, race, and ethnicity. For over 15 years, she has collaborated with many local artists and organizations within and surrounding Edmonton, to bring South Asian dance styles to the mainstream and establish her signature choreography. In 2019, she produced and directed her first show Sacred Spaces, in which diverse forms of dance and music illustrated the importance of safe spaces within society. With a background in different dance styles, she explores ways to depict people’s courage as they journey unpaved paths towards freedom from social and self-inflicted constraints. Her company, Shaktiflow, uses dance, theatre, and yoga to help heal and empower the individual. Her vision is to create mindfulness through movement and at the root, seed inclusivity, and build community

Zana Wensel

Zana Wensel is a multidisciplinary artist from Treaty 6 Territory (otherwise known as Edmonton, Alberta). Throughout her practice, she instills deeper meaning within the materials and methods she employs, and engages with slow, analogue processes as a means of connecting the mind, body and Self.

In working with cell memory, Zana examines the ways in which our most-inner and outward experiences are interconnected, and how this is echoed by various psychosomatic experiences. As each process is informed by a level of interoception (the sensing of one’s internal, body state), Zana draws on the body as both a host and a conduit for her memory-knot forms. Through these means, she ultimately cultivates a space for herself to both reflect upon and release her embodied memories, and offers these works as reflections on the fabric of our human existence.


In Person Tickets

On Demand Tickets


Date & Time:
April 2, 2022 @ 8:00 pm
Event Category:


10567 111 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
+ Google Map